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published 2025-02-12
by Yoshigasaki Sensei
Part 1 1999, Part 2 2000, Part 3 2000, Part 4 2001, Part 5 2001
newly edited version 2023
The "Associazione Ki Aikido Ticinese (ATKA)" was founded in 2000 at Balerna (Switzerland). The dojo is known for its excellent work with children and for having an active group of adults. The ATKA organizes the annual summer seminars "AIKIDO and MISOGI" at Bosco Gurin (TI).
The association "Verein für Ki, Aikido und Gesundheit e.V." has been founded in 1985 and was active at Owingen, Gruol, Haigerloch and Balingen. Since 2006 it operates at Hechingen (Germany). They have a nice little dojo with experienced yudansha led by Waldemar Ebisch and Stefan Neumann .
The association "Ki, Aikido und Gesundheit" was founded in 2014 by Ryan Jepson, who studied Ki Aikido in England, in Germany and on many seminars with Yoshigasaki Sensei. They have a nice peculiar dojo in Garage Grande, Deinhardsteingasse 12-14, Vienna.
The instructor at Ki Aikido Dojo Prague is Michal Hájek. They regularly practise intensive MISOGI and are even active in SHODO. More informations on Facebook.
The instructor at Aikido Metropolregion Nürnberg is Christian Veith. They practise in the dojo of TV Glaishammer 1862.
Ki Aikido Trebur is a department of TV Trebur 1886 and has been founded by Sven Millei. The instructors are Hans-Jürgen Horbank and Volker Bernt. They practise in the Lindenschulehalle, Astheimerstrasse 15.
Aikido-Kai Antwerp is the dojo of Sven Millei at Antwerp. Sven started with Aikido at Stuttgart and is the founder of the dojos at Ammerlügen and at Trebur.