The 47th Nihon Kobudo Demonstrations 2024
Part 1

日本古武道協会設立45周年記念 第47回日本古武道演武大会
Commemorating the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Japan Kobudo Association

These are excerpts from the first part of the 2024 Enbukai with 18 schools. Group 1 also opened the Enbukai of 2023.
The whole video can be found on YT.

1 小笠原流弓馬術
Ogasawara-ryū Kyūba-jutsu

The Ogasawara-ryu has been established in 1187 and the succession of the archery school has past from father to one son since the establishment of the Kamakura shogunate. Although originally a school specialised in mounted archery, around the 14th century, the Ogasawara school became known for defining the etiquette for the samurai class. As of the 16th century, this would be the only occupation of the school.
The Ogasawara style of mounted archery was revived in the 18th century.

2 溝口派一刀流剣術
Mizoguchiha Ittō-ryū Kenjutsu

Founded by Mizoguchi Shingoemon Masakatsu (student of the second headmaster of Ono-ha Itto-ryu, Ono Jiroemon Tadatsune).
Mizoguchi-ha has evolved into a more distinct method, rather than just a branch of the Itto school (although some tactics are similar).

3 渋川一流柔術
Shibukawa ichi-ryū Jūjutsu

Created in the late 17th century, by Shibukawa Bangoro, himself a student of Sekiguchi Ujinari (2nd soke of Sekiguchi-ryu), who gave him menkyo kaiden.
This Jujutsu school is also known for its Kusarigama and Bo. Influenced by Sekiguchi-ryu. However other weapons (like sword, naginata, yari, kodachi, tessen) are also part of the curriculum.

4 兵法二天一流剣術
Hyōhō Niten ichi-ryū Kenjutsu

Founded by the famous Miyamoto Musashi (1584–1645). Musashi was also the author of Go Rin No Sho (“The Book of Five Rings”). This Kenjutsu school is mainly known for its two-sword (katana and wakizashi) techniques called Nito Ichi "two swords as one" (or Niten Ichi, two heavens as one). Nevertheless the school has also kata using only one sword (i.e. forms with either long or short sword seperately).

5 竹生島流棒術
Chikubujima-ryū Bōjutsu

Founded by Heizi Akira Nanba in the 12th century. Nanba also created a naginata school called Nanba-ryu that predates his “Bojutsu” system but which was abandoned for the latter. Chikubujima-ryu is probably the oldest surviving bojutsu school in Japan, named after Chikubushima, a small island in the middle of Lake Biwa (near Kyoto), where the creator received a vision from “Chikubujima Benten”, deity of the Tsukubasuma-jinja.
The school's characteristic is the of a “Bo” (wooden staff) against a swordsman. The school put emphasize on the use of powerful “Kiai”. During kata, the swordsman uses a bokuto with a large protective tsuba.

6 野太刀自顕流剣術
Nodachi Jigen-ryū Kenjutsu

Founded by Yakumaru Kanenobu (student of Togo Chui), who made a very practical art, called Nodachi Jigen-ryu (or sometimes called Yakumaru Jigen-ryu), by integrating the martial art of his family (Nodachi-ryu) into Jingen-ryu.
The school has kenjutsu and bojutsu. The aim is to defeat the enemy with a single blow.

7 沖縄剛柔流武術
Okinawa Gōjū-ryū Bujutsu

In the late 1860s, Kanryo Higaonna Sensei travelled to Fuzhou in Fujian China, where he became the uchi-deshi (private disciple) of Southern Shaolin master Ryu Ryu Ko. The 14 years he spent training there in Chinese bujutsu became the starting point of Goju-ryu. The bujutsu Kanryo Higaonna Sensei brought back to Okinawa from China was later called “Naha-te” and passed down to his top disciple Chojun Miyagi Sensei, who subsequently systematized the art in a scientific and universally rational manner.
In 1930, Chojun Miyagi Sensei named his bujutsu “Goju-ryu”, inspired by a line of a poem: “Ho Goju Donto” found in the Bubishi, a martial arts tome from the Fujian Shaolin White Crane style.

8 天真正伝香取神道流剣術
Tenshinshōden Katori Shintō-ryū Kenjutsu

One of the oldest documented koryu. Founded by Iizasa Ienao (a respected spear and swordsman, who lived near Katori Shrine) in 1447. Although categorized the Nihon Kobudo Kyokai as kenjutsu school, Katori Shinto-ryu has a large curriculum, which also includes Iaijutsu, Ryotojutsu (art of using both long and short sword at once), Bojutsu, Naginatajutsu, Sojutsu, Shurikenjutsu and even some Jujutsu.

9 佐分利流槍術
Saburi-ryū Sōjutsu

Founded by Saburi Saburoemon Kagenori, a noted 16th century spear master, Saburi Ryu Sojutsu It encapsulates not only the physical skills necessary for spear handling, but also underlying principles that emphasize the importance of discipline, ethics, and personal growth. The transmission of these teachings through generations has allowed Saburi Ryu maintain its relevance and respect within the martial arts community, representing a direct link to Japan's warrior heritage.
Saburi Ryu Sojutsu is focused on the handling and mastery of the spear (yari), one of the most prominent and respected weapons on the Japanese battlefield. This style originated in Japan's feudal period, an era characterized by constant conflicts between samurai clans over power and land. The need for effective spear fighting techniques for cavalry and infantry led to the development of several styles of sojutsu (spear art), among which Saburi Ryu is distinguished by its unique focus on strategy, technique and philosophy.

10 関口新心流柔術
Sekiguchi Shinshin-ryū Jūjutsu

Sekiguchi-ryū (関口流), or Sekiguchi Shin Shin-ryū (関口新心流), is a Japanese martial art founded in the mid-17th century, notable for its Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, and Jujutsu, including the art of kyusho-jutsu.

11 心形刀流剣術
Shingyōtō-ryū Kenjutsu

Founded by Iba Josuiken Hideaki in the late 17th century (1682). The name refers to the relationship of the heart or spirit (shin), the form (gyo) and the sword (to), indicating that swordmanship is a manifestation of the mind. The school teaches mainly kenjutsu and iaijutsu but the curriculum includes also some grappling techniques and a series called makuragatana (lit. pillow sword or bedside sword). Also naginatajutsu, using a kagitsuki naginata (with an iron cross bar).

12 肥後古流長刀
Higo Ko-ryū Naginata

Higo Ko-ryu (肥後古流, Higo koryū) is a Japanese koryū martial art founded in unknown time, but likely in early Edo period or before, by Kame Terushige (亀井 輝重). Its name means "Old Tradition of Higo", meaning it was already old during time when first written records about it appeared. According to ryūha's own records, founder Kame Terushige created this martial way from techniques passed to him by unknown teachers and bequeathed it to Matsumoto Genjiro, who was associated with the Higo clan of mountainous Higo Province of Kyushu.
The school teaches naginatajutsu. The naginata of Higo Ko-ryu is unique: shaft and blade are both four feet long. The weapon was archaic already in the sixteenth century.

13 鞍馬流 剣術
Kurama-ryū Kenjutsu

Founded in the Kyoto area by: Ono Shogen (or Shokan) in the late 16th century. Kenjutsu school, despite of consisting of only a few kata, the school concentrates on efficiency. The Kurama-ryu Bokuto has almost no Sori (curvature) and has a strong wooden Tsuba.
The school’s technique "Henka" was adopted as one of the 10 Kenjutsu kata of "Keishi-ryu". "Henka" is also commonly known as "Makiotoshi" by modern Kendoka.

14 竹内流 柔術
Takenouchi-ryū Jūjutsu Koshinomawarikogusoku

Takenouchi-ryu is one of the oldest jujutsu schools in Japan, founded in 1532 by Takenouchi Nakatsukasadaiyu Hisamori. The split in 2 lines was done to ensure that the blood line and tradition would be preserved. Both families inherited the main tradition.
Although famous for its jujutsu, Takenouchi Ryu is a complete system including amongst others: armed grappling (yoroi kumiuchi), staff (bojutsu), sword (kenjutsu), sword drawing (iaijutsu), glaive (naginatajutsu), iron fan (tessenjutsu), restraining rope (hojojutsu), and resuscitation techniques sakkatsuho).
Koshi-no-mawari Kogusoku are the techniques of defeating an opponent by grappling while using a short sword (dagger). It also includes techniques of binding in order to capture the opponent (torite).

15 初實剣理方一流甲冑抜刀術
Shojitsuken Rikata Ichi-ryū Kattchū Battōjutsu

Imaeda Sanaka Fujiwara Ryotai, born in 1647, is mentioned as the founder of this art. From his father he learned the Imaedaryu Kenjutsu, and traveled with his uncle to Edo (former Tokyo and seat of the Tokugawa Shogunate), accomplishing his studies of the sword under his uncle's guidance. Imaeda also learned Yagyuryu, Kittoryu, Kashiwararyu and founded a Bujutsu Dojo in Edo.
The characteristics of his school are deeply rooted in the family's Imaedaryu Kenjutsu, especially the techniques of drawing the sword. The maneuver to shake off the blood of the sword and wipe it clean with two fingers before returning it to its scabbard, as well as the way of kneeling are also special to this art.

16 示現流兵法剣術
Jigen-ryū Hyōhō Kenjutsu

Founded by Togo Chui (1561-1643) in the late 16th century in Satsuma Province (now Kagoshima prefecture in Kyushu). Togo Chui was trained in Taisha-ryu (derived from Shinkage-ryu) but studied also Tenshinsho Jigen-ryu with a priest called Zenkitsu, who happened to be 3 rd headmaster of Tenshinsho Jigen-ryu (a branch from Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-ryu). Togo Chui made his own style and called it Jigen-ryu but changed the kanji for Jigen from “自源” into “示現”.
Kenjutsu school is known for its powerful kiai and emphasis on the first strike. During practice, a long wooden stick is used to cut against a vertical pole or tree, called tategi. New students used to practice striking the pole (tategi- uchi) 3,000 times in the morning, and 8,000 times in the afternoon for 3 years before being allowed to the next level of training. The school also has kodachi, nodachi, bo and yari.

17 諸賞流和
Shoshō-ryū Yawara

The first roots of this school date back to the seventh century as Kanze-ryu, founded by a certain Tamura (758-811). It is said that Takeshi Hisa received an important award (shosho) during a wrestling contest in 1192, hence the name Shosho-ryu.
Shosho-ryu Yawara(jutsu) includes sword, staff and rope tying techniques and even shurikenjutsu.

18 根岸流手裏剣術
Negishi-ryū Shurikenjutsu

The Negishi school of shurikenjutsu is a classical Japanese martial art (Koryū) founded by samurai, Negishi Shōrei in the mid 1850s. Its distant roots can be traced back to the Sendai region's Katori Shinkon-ryū (divine soul school), an offshoot of Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō-ryū (divine way school) originating in Chiba prefecture, Japan.