The 47th Nihon Kobudo Enbukai 2024
Part 2

日本古武道協会設立45周年記念 第47回日本古武道演武大会
Commemorating the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Japan Kobudo Association

These are excerpts from the second part of the 2024 Enbukai with 17 more Ryu. Groups 19, 29 and 35 also participated in Enbukai 2023. This means that a total of 66 Ryu were presented in the two demonstrations in 2023 and 2024. In the Nihon Kobudo Kyokai are currently around 80 Ryu organized.
For Aikidoka, the appearance of the other branch of Daito Ryu is interesting (number 32). The techniques have more similarities to Aikido than those shown in 2023.
The whole video can be found on YT.

19 円心流居合据物斬剣法
Enshin-ryū Iai Suemonogiri Kenpō

Based on the art of Hayamizu Nagato no Kami Enshin, who was a bodyguard of Emperor Ogimichi (1557-1586). In 1827 Kobashi Shobei added swordtechniques of Shinden Munen Ryu to those of Enshin Ryu and started to call the school Enshin Ryu Iai Suemonogiri Kenpo.
In this Iai-jutsu school the art of cutting (objects) is called Suemonogiri. Because of its origin (the founder being the emperor’s bodyguard), the initial focus was defence against close distance threats. Later the art was complemented with techniques from other traditional schools. The school puts emphasis on cutting techniques but the word “Tameshigiri” (test cutting to control the quality of a blade) is avoided and instead replaced by “Suemonogiri” (cutting of objects).

20 楊心流薙刀術
Yōshin-ryū Naginata Jutsu

Founded by Akiyama Shirobei Yoshitoki in the 17th century.
Naginatajutsu, but also bojutsu (called hanbo, it originates from a broken naginata) and some kusarigamajutsu. Although other schools of naginata might have evolved in a similar direction, Yoshin-ryu Naginatajutsu is typically a school that is specialized in the practise of women’s defensive techniques by the use of a naginata. Students learn to execute the techniques while wearing a kimono, although a hakama is still used by beginners.

21 柳生新陰流兵法剣術
Yagyū Shinkage-ryū Heihō Kenjutsu

Founded by Kamiizumi Ise-no-Kami Nobutsuna (1508- 1578), who studied the schools of Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-ryu and Kage-ryu (from its founder Aisu Ikkosai) before creating his own school, called Shinkage-ryu. The name was completed by the second headmaster, Yagyu Muneyoshi (1507–1606) and became Yagyu Shinkage-ryu.
It is one of the first schools of kenjutsu of the Edo period. Until the 16th century, basic kenjutsu postures were very distinct; very low, in protection of the body. Kamiizumi changed the basic postures by raising them slightly, he changed the manner of holding the sword, and he shortened the length of the blade of the sword. He also invented the hikihada, a fukuro-shinai, which is the ancestor of the modern kendo shinai.

22 伯耆流居合術
Hōki-ryū Iai-jutsu

Founded by Katayama Hoki-no-kami Fujiwara Hisayasu (1575-1650), the half-brother of Takenouchi Hisamori, founder of Takenouchi-ryu. Hoki-ryu has several branches but has no headmaster or an umbrella organization for the different branches.
Iai-jutsu school but originally a comprehensive school which included disciplines like kenjutsu, iaijutsu, jujutsu, bojutsu, jojutsu, naginatajutsu and sojutsu.

23 氣樂流柔術
Kiraku-ryū Jūjutsu

Created in the mid 18th century Watanabe Mokuemon, with roots from Toda-ryu kenjutsu, founded by Toda Seigen in the 1500s and famous for kodachi. The 11th headmaster, Iizuka Garyusai, studied several other schools including Muteki-ryu (jujutsu and naginatajutsu) before becoming headmaster of Kiraku-ryu.
It is a jujutsu school with also stick, kenjutsu and chigiriki, a sort of staff with a weighted chain attached.

24 柳生心眼流甲冑兵法
Yagyū Shingan-ryū Kattchū Heihō

Founded by Takenaga Hayato in the early 17th century. Takenaga Hayato studied Shindo-ryu of Ushu Tatewaki. Later he went to Edo, where he was employed by the Yagyu family and where he studied Yagyu Shinkage-ryu with Yagyu Munenori.
Katchu bujutsu consists of grappling and fighting combat in full armour. Heiho refers to military strategy.

25 本體楊心流柔術
Hontai Yōshin-ryū Jūjutsu

The school was founded in the 17th century by Takagi Oriemon Shigetoshi. He was succeeded by his son, Takagi Umanosuke Shigesada, who also studied Takeuchi-ryu and who refined the art of his father, which he called Hontai Yoshin-ryu Takagi-ryu.
It is a jujutsu school with various weapons, such as chobo, hanbo, tanto, kodachi and sword. The techniques are based upon the principles of Jujutsu Roppo: the six kinds of techniques used in Jujutsu: gyaku (joint locks), nage (throwing), ate (hitting), shime (choking), toritsuke (capturing the enemy and rope binding) and katsu (resuscitation).

26 琉球王家秘伝本部御殿手
Ryūkyū Ōke Hiden Motobu Udundi

Motobu Gotente is a martial art that has been passed down from generation to generation by the Motobu family, the royal family of the Ryukyu Kingdom. Founder of the school is Motobu Oji Chohei, sixth prince of King Shoshi.
Motobu Gotente is a martial art designed to fight against a large number of people during a battle. Therefore, when using weapons such as swords, it is basic to use two swords, and always use techniques while walking.

27 無比無敵流杖術
Muhi Muteki-ryū Jōjutsu

Founded by Sasaki Tokuhisa (master in Sojutsu). In fact at the battle of Sekigahara, Sasaki’s spear got broken and he was forced to continue to fight with the shaft alone. The name comes from a spiritual awakening “Mushi Mushu” (no beginning, no end), from which he finally developed his own school.
It is a jojutsu and bojutsu school coming from Sojutsu, i.e. from techniques with a broken spear, therefore including a lot of thrusts (tsuki waza).

28 北辰一刀流剣術
Hokushin Ittō-ryū Kenjutsu

Founded by Chiba Shusaku Narimasa (1793-1856), probably the most famous swordsman in Japan in the late Edo period. The name of the school is derived from Hokushin Muso-ryu, the style of swordsmanship Shusaku learned from his father, and the Itto-ryu he later learned under Nakanishi.
The school practises mainly Kenjutsu but also some battojutsu and naginatajutsu, brought over from Hokushin Muso Ryu. In kumitachi style training, Hokushin Itto-ryu uses a bokuto of 2,5 shaku. This bokuto is considered the ancestor of the Shinai used in modern Kendo.

29 天神真楊流柔術
Tenjin Shinyō-ryū Jūjutsu

Founded by Iso Matauemon Minamoto Masatari (1787–1863) around 1830 with roots in Yoshin-ryu and Shin no Shinto-ryu. Reference to these 2 schools is made by using the name “shinyō”.
It is a jujutsu school, techniques include striking, resuscitation and bone-setting. The school also teaches the proper use of “ki” (vital energy), as well as the use of atemi (strikes) on pressure points.

30 荒木流拳法
Araki-ryū Kenpō

Araki Ryu was founded in the Tensho period, approximately 1573. Its creation is attributed to Araki Mujinsai Minamoto no Hidetsuna.
Araki-ryu is a comprehensive system that specializes in the use and application of many traditional Japanese weapons such as spear, glaive, long and short sword, staff, rope, chain and sickle, and torite-kogusoku (grappling in light armor with weapons).

31 風傳流槍術
Fūden-ryū Sōjutsu

Founded by Araki Mujinsai Minamoto no Hidetsuna in the 16th century, who is sometimes believed to be a close relative of Araki Murashige, a famous warlord who fought with Nobunaga.
In general, Araki-ryu can be best described as grappling with weapons. Araki-ryu Kenpo is an Isezaki line and consists of a set of grappling techniques, called torite kogusolu (unarmed or with minor weapons). Araki-ryu Gunyo Kogusoku has it’s primarily focus on iai, kenjutsu (including kodachi), yari and some other weapons.

32 大東流合気柔術
Daitō-ryū Aiki Jūjutsu

According to the current headmaster Kondo Katsuyuki, the name Daito-ryu can be traced back about 900 years, to Shinra Saburo Minamoto no Yoshimitsu (1045-1127), a warrior considered to have been the distant founder of the school. However, the detail of its development in the Edo period and before is not clear, since there are no ancient records about Daito-ryu. Interestingly, Daito-ryu takes its name from a mansion where Minamoto no Yoshimitsu lived in his childhood.
It is said that the founder Yoshimitsu studied tegoi, an ancestor of sumo. Nowadays, Daito-ryu is mainly known by the larger public of budoka, as the jujutsu school that was the basis for modern aikido. Ueshiba Morihei practiced Daito-ryu for some twenty years.

33 田宮流居合術
Tamiya-ryū Iaijutsu

Founded by Tamiya Heibei Narimasa, himself a student of Hayashizaki. The current head of school Tsumaki Kazuo Genwa is 14th generation.
The school teaches Iai-jutsu.

34 天然理心流剣術
Tennen Rishin-ryū Kenjutsu

Founded by Kondo Kuranosuke in the late 18th century. The 4th headmaster, Kondo Isami Masayoshi, was one of the commanders of the Shinsengumi.
It is a kenjutsu school with also a history of other techniques like bojutsu, and especially jujutsu.

35 森重流砲術
Morishige-ryū Hōjutsu

Founded circa 1800 by Morishige Yukie Tsuyoshi an expert in Naval and Military strategy.
School of Gunnery.