Aikido in real life

Kenjiro Yoshigasaki 2023
Yoshigasaki Sensei's last book was published posthumously. The book has 202 pages with numerous drawings illustrating the exercises and techniques. The cover shows a calligraphy by Shin Watanabe Sensei, which is explained on the first pages.
The purpose of the book is stated in the preface:
It's intended to show how you can actually use Aikido techniques in the real world.
Part I "People" describes the basics of Ki, posture, perception and imagination as well as techniques and exercises for health.
Part II "Protect Home" analyzes the situation when someone breaks into the house and gives options for acting without or with aids such as Jo or Bokken.
Part III "Michibiki" shows Aikido techniques, mostly grabbing attacks, as well as the four stages of leadership by changing form and position.
Part IV "Bokkendori", Part V "Tantodori" and Part VI "Ukemi" cover only a few pages and give examples.
Part VII "Aikido in the Dojo" explains concepts for practice on the tatami.
Part VIII "Essays" contains five short articles on selected topics.
In Part IX "Questions and Answers" a selection of 38 questions and answers is presented that Yoshigasaki Sensei dealt with online in 2020, mixed with some essays.
On the last pages there is a compact summary of the life and work of Yoshigasaki Sensei.
Detailed table of contents:

All of Aikido

Kenjiro Yoshigasaki
456 pages, 1487 colour photos and diagrams
Aikido is a Japanese martial art that, even though it is based on the fighting techniques of the Samurai in feudal Japan, has developed into a peaceful, non-fighting art.
Like meditation, Aikido is a way of life meant for people who want peace of mind and peace in the world. This book describes in detail how Aikido techniques can work to stop fighting instead of carrying on conflicts. It gives a thorough guide to the foundations of the art and suggestions of how to apply these ideas in daily life. Born in 1951 in Kagoshima, Japan, the author Kenjirō Yoshigasaki Sensei is teaching Ki and Aikidō in Europe since 1977, he is now president of the «Ki no Kenkyukai Internationale».
Kristkeitz Verlag

Inner voyage of a stranger

Kenjiro Yoshigasaki
It demands a lot of reflection every day to understand life.
Life consists of perception and action. Most people, however, only try to control their actions and do not realize the importance of perception for their lives. Every individual's actions at any given moment in time are determined by the way he or she perceives the world.
This book is meant for all those who really want to understand life.
Kristkeitz Verlag

Aikido and the dynamic sphere

A. Westbrook and O. Ratti
An illustrated introduction
336 p., 1330 ill., Bound with thread stitching
Aikido: an art of self-defense whose ethical bases are aimed not to hurt the opponent, but to restore balance and harmony - within ourselves, with the other, with humanity and ultimately with the universe.
This book describes in detail and understandable the motivation, the basics and all important techniques of Aikido. Illustrated with 1330 drawings that illustrate the essence of the movements better than any photograph could be, this basic work has been a valued help for anyone studying aikido for many years, whether beginner or teacher.
Kristkeitz Verlag

Aikido con Ki

Koretoshi Maruyama
The official textbook of the Ki-Society (Ki-no-Kenkyukai) with all the techniques of aikido from the beginner level to the 1st Dan. The rich illustration and the detailed and comprehensible explanations of the ki exercises and the single techniques make this book a constant companion of every Aikidoka.
This manual by Aikido in the Unity of Mind and Body of Koretoshi Maruyama, eighth Dan, a direct student of the founder of this art, Koichi Tohei, and for many years coach of his association Ki No Kenkyukai Japan, contains detailed explanations and illustrates in detailed way all the basic essentials, Ki exercises and Aikido techniques from beginners to 1st Dan.

Akido Tadashi Abe
Metodo Morihei Ueshiba

Pier Domenico Anzalone

Pier Domenico Anzalone
In 1952, revered Master Morihei Ueshiba revealed the secret of the teaching of Akido so that it could be spread around the world. He appointed Tadashi Abe, one of his best students, to spread his art in Europe and especially in France. Until then, the West knew very little about Akido. Stories were heard of an ancient invincible warrior and his secret art, based on softness, reserved for senior Budoka and Imperial Guard officers.
Thanks to its remarkable technical abilities, Master Abe quickly convinced the French roughnecks of the excellence of the Akido as a superior means of personal defense, though based on principles of flexibility. When Akido arrived in Italy, Tadashi Abe found a student in Pier Domenico Anzalone to pursue his ideas. This volume is intended to commemorate the path that was followed between 1942 and 1960, but also (with over 450 images) to analyze the Kihon principles of free body training and weapons, including those that are no longer used in modern exercises.

Aikido Imperia


Giuseppe Ruglioni
This book has two parts: practice and experience.
In the first part, the teachings of Master Koichi Tahei are disclosed. The first chapter is dedicated to the practice of Ki (Shin Shin Toitsu), a discipline that considers human nature as a mind-body unit that allows us to fully develop our abilities, as well as discovering the innate gifts that we usually do not be aware. The practice focuses on the study of some principles which, through a simple test system, are intended to instill a natural sense of security based on complete relaxation. The second chapter deals with Ki Aikido (Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido), a discipline that leads us to gain greater confidence in ourselves and to better harmonize our relations with the outside world.
The second part collects the author's experiences during 20 years of teaching, applying the principles of Ki and Ki Aikido Practice in very different situations: teaching children and young people in public schools, therapists and caregivers with disabilities and dancers, athletes and coaches ...


John Stevens
Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), the founder of Aikido—whose name means "abundant peace"—was "undoubtedly the greatest martial artist who ever lived," according to his biographer, John Stevens. "Even if we accept every exploit of all the legendary warriors, East and West, as being literally true, none of those accomplishments can be compared to Morihei's documented ability to disarm any attacker, throw a dozen men simultaneously, and down and pin opponents without touching them, recorded scores of times in photographs, on film, and by personal testimony." How did the diminutive master—barely five feet tall—attain this uncanny power?
In Abundant Peace, John Stevens tells the real story behind Morihei's achievement, illuminating the man and his message in a way that will delight and stimulate the reader. Focusing on the how and why of Morihei's career, Stevens describes the people, events, and ideas that influenced his lifelong spiritual quest, which culminated in the unique teachings of Aikido. Illustrated with photographs of Morihei in action and filled with revealing anecdotes about his life and times, the book also offers a valuable discussion of the Founder's conception of Aikido as a path of harmony and love, unifying mind and body, self and others, man and the universe.


Morihei Ueshiba
Morihei Ueshiba is rightly known as one of the greatest martial artists in the world for his creation of aikido, the synthesis of his superb technique and his profound spiritual understanding of the nature of the universe. Aikido is much more than another fighting style, it is a holistic approach to life that Morihei described as "a divine journey inspired by the gods that leads to truth, goodness and beauty". Unfortunately, Morihei left few writings to explain his philosophy of martial arts, preferring to teach his disciples with a direct example.
Aikido students will be familiar with the photographs and footage of Morihei's film as an old man, effortlessly defeating his much younger opponents, but very little has been published in Morihei's pre-war years, when he was perfecting the aiki-budo, as Aikido was known then.
In 1938 Morihei wrote Budo (Martial Way) as an instruction manual and a statement of the aims and spirit of his martial arts philosophy.