Quantum Theory and Consciousness

Federico Faggin

Federico Faggin

(* 1.12.1941 in Vicenza) is an Italian microchip specialist and entrepreneur. He emigrated to the USA in 1968. In January 1971, he almost single-handedly developed the first CPU for Intel, the Intel 4004. He later founded several successful IT companies and received numerous international awards for his work.
In December 1990, Federico Faggin had a profound out-of-body experience that changed his life.
Together with the Italian quantum physicist Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano, he developed a theory of consciousness (NOUSYM).

Quantum Theory and Consciousness

Excerpt (52 min) from an event with several speakers (3 h 37 min, original on YT on November 9, 2024 in Milan, which was jointly organized by AISM* and AIRSE**. Federico Faggin explains some of his ideas here.
Faggin is convinced that consciousness - and not matter - is the fundamental principle of reality. Faggin also addresses current topics such as artificial intelligence or attempts to store consciousness on computers in order to become immortal.
Aikidoka can see analogies with Tohei Sensei's Ki (氣) and especially with Maruyama Sensei's Yuishin (唯心). Some passages - such as those on energy, movement or information - are reminiscent of Yoshigasaki Sensei's discourses.
*AISM = Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla
**AIRSE = Accademia Innovazione e Rigenerazione Sociale Europea
Translation and subtitles: BB

Oltre l'Invisibile

is the latest book by Federico Faggin, with the topics

  • Beyond microprocessors
  • Existential questions
  • The awakening
  • A new theory of reality
  • Physics, information and life
  • The nature of consciousness
  • The nature of free will
  • Everything is connected
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Robotics and virtual reality
  • Science, spirituality and religion
  • A possible future


We can now begin with the central part of our event ... ... with Federico Faggin, whom I have had the pleasure of welcoming as a guest several times. Once online, once on a very nice occasion... ... similar to now. Do you remember?

Really nice.

Our hearts were racing there. After two and a half hours ... I had to stop him, because it was impossible to continue. So, the problem here too will be taming his energy. You know, he's a world champion - record holder - ...with the number of conferences in the last 2 years. Over 400, it's crazy. Wonderful energy and a wonderful clarity. We are very excited, Federico Faggin.

Thank you.... Thank you for the introduction. Can you hear me back there? Thank you for the introduction. And... Good day everyone. I just came from Bergamo, where I attended the 78th conference. This is the 79th and... tonight I'm doing the 80th. So, I gave 80 talks in 70 days. Instead of travelling around the world in 80 days, I'm doing 80 conferences in 70 days.

Seriously. Because this is a profound, serious moment for humanity, which I believe is in transition. Humanity must face its own interiority, that is, the fact that we are not machines. Scientism, the aberration of science, tells us that we are machines. Science, scientism, materialism and reductionism tell us today ... ... that we are machines. And when the machine breaks down, we are no more. So, the problem of death that we all have to face sooner or later... ... this problem is swept under the carpet. The problem of death is not addressed by science, it is repressed because we are machines. While spirituality, religions … have faced this problem and understand that a part of us survives death. So, who is right?

I'm looking a little bit how your faces ... ... react to that question. So, I asked myself these questions, not in those terms ... but in other words. Because I grew up in a family where my father was a philosopher ... he taught philosophy and history, and he was a lover of philosophy. He translated Plotinus' Enneads. He wrote a "History of Philosophy" for high schools. He wrote about forty books. He was an idealist. He liked idealism as a philosophical movement. But I was a mechanic. I wanted to understand how things worked. And philosophy didn't interest me in the slightest, because ... Understanding how machines worked was already difficult enough.

And so, I took a completely different path. I got my degree in physics. I have developed technologies and products. I have done many things, with enormous passion. But basically ... I thought that if I achieved all my goals ... which I actually didn't have, because I always followed my inner voice. I actually always followed the voice of my heart ... my inclinations, my enthusiasm, and I thought that if you become famous ... I had a great family, all healthy. So much money that I had enough for the rest of my life. I wouldn't have had to work anymore, etc. Someone like that should be content. But I wasn't content.

Well, somehow ... This scientism betrayed me. With what I had achieved at 40/45, ... I should have been content. I should have been content at least. I realized that I was just pretending to be content. Because... I was also an entrepreneur. So I had a company and I always had to be full of energy and always present etc. But in reality, I wasn't. I realized that I was just pretending. And as an entrepreneur I learned ... to take responsibility for my actions. Taking responsibility for your actions means ... also understanding where...

If I blame someone else ... I had to understand how that works... blaming each other. In other words, how did I attract the negative things that happened in my life. I learned that as an entrepreneur. As the boss of the various companies I founded. I couldn't blame anyone else for it. And with the awareness that I also attract negative things with what I radiate ... When I felt that... I was dissatisfied. I said to myself: I brought this on myself. I can't blame anyone else. I can't blame scientism. It was me. Why, how did I do it?

I learned about consciousness. Consciousness is our ability to understand, to understand ... how we do something. Through sensations, feelings that we feel within ourselves. We know because we have sensations and feelings. What the philosophers then called QUALIA. Qualia is simply the fact that there are sensations and feelings that carry meaning.

It's a long story. I don't have time to tell you everything, but I want to talk about a few important points ... in this story. It's a personal story. Our growth doesn't come from reading books. That too, but we understand who we are, mainly by working within ourselves. By accepting our inner being, especially the negative things within us, instead of repressing them, like I did. Looking them in the face. And that's where the solution to our problems lies. It lies in the realization that we have an interiority that machines do not have.

Machines are not conscious. Before, I was asked the question about consciousness. Is it a mathematical formula? The question was directed to everyone. Consciousness is not a mathematical formula. It is something we have that allows us to create mathematical formulas. It allows us to create mathematical formulas, as an expression of our understanding ... of what we want to express. It is consciousness that creates mathematics, not mathematics that creates consciousness. And this question points to a fundamental thing.

Because science today begins with mathematics. And until a year ago I too wanted to use mathematics to prove the existence of consciousness. Do you understand? We have reached a point where... we are so conditioned ... First the scientists. And they didn't do it on purpose. We have been conditioned to think ... that there is something that explains the fundamental things that we can only know from within ... with our consciousness, which is the ability to know. Mathematics is created by consciousness. Our consciousness creates mathematics. How does mathematics then explain its creator? Do you understand? Do you understand, that's crazy.

When I realized that, I said: What an idiot I was! I too ... After understanding that consciousness and free will are fundamental ... They must have existed since the beginning of the universe. I insisted... not only ... with the understanding of quantum physics ... that could explain consciousness ... But it can also explain many other things. Why is it moving from quantum physics towards consciousness? The true direction must be from consciousness to quantum physics. And when I understood that, it's in the book "Oltre l'Invisibile" ... I explain that, which is very important. Because based on the existence of consciousness and free will - I'll talk about that later ... about free will, what that is.

Assuming the existence of consciousness and free will from the beginning ... Then we can explain why quantum physics, which is the fundamental aspect of physical reality ... why it has these properties that physicists have never understood. They never understood it, they say so themselves. We don't understand quantum physics. It's not clear why. And in fact, scientists have so far understood quantum physics as a purely mathematical theory ... As pure mathematics, not as reality. It does not describe reality. A mathematical theory that describes ... that can make predictions about objects moving in spacetime that we can measure. And so, it does not describe reality, because reality is what exists in spacetime. The reality of objects that can be measured. See, here the concept of "measurement" comes up again.

The measurement, the numbers are part of mathematics. What we feel inside us goes beyond what mathematics can describe. And it goes beyond what can be measured. That's why Heisenberg's uncertainty principle exists. That is why there is the understanding that leads from the qualia - that is, sensations and feelings ... to the meaning of the qualia. And the qualia are not numbers. They are not numbers. The love I feel for a child has dimensions that... are unattainable, they go beyond ... I know that I don't know. Do you understand? How do I know that I don't know? And knowing that I don't know makes me want to know more about what I don't know. You see, this goes beyond any form of mathematics.

Mathematics describes what we know. What we can codify. So, consciousness and free will ... Free will is the ability to direct our knowledge. That's just the way it is. The capacity we have to direct our self-knowledge. I have to leave out a lot of things that I wanted to say. Because time is limited. So, I started from a postulate. The postulate that I call "the postulate of being" ... is intended to explain why quantum physics and classical physics exist ... which have the properties that we have discovered. And these properties are exactly those that enable us to know ourselves.

Look. If you try to explain the why and not the how, you understand why quantum physics has these properties. The "postulate of being" begins with this sentence. The ONE, the totality of what exists ... The ONE is defined as the totality of that exists. Of everything. The One has three properties. It is dynamic, holistic and wants to know itself. Dynamic and holistic are the properties of quantum physics. Quantum physics speaks of the universe, of everything that exists ... which is dynamic and holistic. Dynamic means it is constantly changing. It is never the same, from moment to moment. Holistic means that everything is connected, in the One, in the universe. The universe is not made up of separate parts. That was hard for physicists to accept. It follows from the fact that "quantum entanglement" exists, a property that says that everything is connected.

There is no time to explain what "quantum entanglement" is, but it is this property that "everything is connected." When things interact with each other, joint states emerge that are unknowable. They are unknowable, we cannot know them. So far, I have only described what quantum physics says. But I added: “The One wants to know itself.” So, in wanting there is free will. The One, i.e. the totality of what exists, must direct its self-knowledge. And in this self-knowledge, there is obviously the idea of consciousness. Because consciousness enables the One to know itself. So, consciousness is simply defined as the ability of the One to know itself. This is the same ability that we have. The interiority of nature. It represents the interiority of nature.

So, the One, when it recognizes itself, creates a field. A quantum field. That's what physics says too. The "unified field" that has yet to be found. But everybody knows that it has to be found. It is the field that describes the unification of quantum physics with Einstein's general theory of relativity. Nobody has managed it yet. But it will be possible if we change our concept of space-time, matter, energy ... And we base it on the idea of self-knowledge, not on the idea of physics ... which would mean matter. Because if consciousness is the fundamental thing ... space-time, matter, energy must also be defined through self-knowledge. But that's another topic.

But I want you to understand how ... the reason why for 80 years physicists have not been able to unite these two pillars of physics. This is because spacetime, matter and energy are defined without reference to any interiority of the universe. Once we refer to it, we can reformulate ... what are space, time, matter, energy ... in cognitive terms, not in physical terms. In terms that go beyond physics and also include physics. In the theory that I call "NOUSYM". Nousym is a new science ... which includes both the inside and the outside. The ability to know that we have, to understand ... the ability to have an inner life, with meanings ... and the outer part of the world, which physicists call information.

The physicists' concept of information is not ours. For me, information is something that makes sense to me. I call information what makes me understand, what has meaning. In physics, information is simply the probability ... It is related to the probability that an event occurs in spacetime. That is the definition of information. The more probable an event is, the less information there is when it occurs. The less likely it is, the more information the event brings.

Look, the probability ... The probability as used by physicists is a pure concept of consciousness. It has nothing to do with physics. The probability does not exist. It's an idea, it's a concept. Probability cannot be measured. You really can't. It's a concept that we use, for example... We first used it to explain quantum phenomena in the theory of gases. For example, using probabilities, which then disappear ... when we have deterministic formulas. We used probabilities because we didn't know enough data. Because, if we had had all the data for the calculations ... the next state of this n-particle system would have been known without fail. It would have been certain. Probability in classical physics refers to facts about which we do not know everything for sure. Probability in quantum physics has nothing to do with that at all. And the vast majority of physicists still don't understand that.

Probability in quantum physics refers to a state ... that arises at the moment of measurement. The state that arises at the moment of measurement. But what is a measurement? A measurement is an interaction between fields. Measurement is an interaction between fields, between the field of the observed, the particle ... and the field of the instrument that makes the measurement. Therefore, this probability is a subjective probability. In Nousym theory, this probability is an action of the free will of the observed field. Not of the observer, as was thought at the beginning of quantum physics.

There was an interpretation of the problem of the collapse of the wave function. I will explain this question of collapse in a moment, but ... The concepts are too complex to explain in an hour. But I still want to do my best. The collapse of the wave function, especially in the theory of Wigner and von Neumann ... happens due to the consciousness of the observer. Because quantum physics does not predict what will happen. It only predicts the probability of what will happen. In other words, what could possibly happen. It tells us the possible states and their probabilities. But it doesn't tell us what the state will be. And that is a big mystery of quantum physics that no one has solved yet.

Quantum physics does not describe reality. It only describes what can be known about reality. It has to do with knowledge. That's why probability has to do with knowledge. It's a matter of consciousness, not a physical factor. Do you understand?

Today's physics has messed up the definition of information. Information was defined ... by Shannon in 1948. Information is simply defined as the probability of a symbol. Inversely proportional to the probability that a symbol will manifest. The same definition of information as later in physics, where the symbol is replaced by the physical event. So, when physics, science and technology talk about information, they don't know what they're talking about. Because it's not information. We talked about artificial intelligence ... But no joke. The problem started with the definition of information. Information without meaning. Information as in technology. Because the term information was first developed to improve telecommunications.

With this definition of information, something was called information, but for us it is not information ... arose this cognitive problem which we see today in artificial intelligence. Because in artificial intelligence we have taken another step towards this confusion ... by saying that the intelligence of a machine ... that we have created, we with consciousness ... where we understand the meaning ... we have created this as an imitation of what we ourselves do. And yet, now humans ... Artificial intelligence doesn't care whether it deceives us or not. The smart-ass human who wants more and more power, yes, he can use artificial intelligence to deceive us ... To confuse the young people who only believe what they see on their mobile phones ... losing contact.

The famous cave of Plato, that is now the mobile phone. It is the mobile phone that is before the shadows in the cave. You understand, we have reached two levels of redirection. Do you understand?

Illustration regarding the cave of Plato from Wikipedia


Today we are so indoctrinated that we lose contact with our inner being. And this is where the serious problem lies right now. We are being led to the slaughterhouse of the mind ... that is the part of us that remains when the body dies. In this model ... In this model I now explain ... how this "postulate of being" ... can explain quantum physics.

We are creatures of the One ... we are fields, and these fields are described by physics as having no consciousness and no free will. So, this new postulate says, No! These fields were created by the One and have the same fundamental properties as the One. They are complete parts of the One, they must be complete parts of the One. Why? Because the One is holistic. It is not made up of separable parts. The One cannot split off any part of itself. The parts that the One creates, they are forever part of the One. They are always an integral part of the One.

You understand, this is a crazy concept in the sense that ... in the sense, if you accept it, that we are separate from the One. Many religions describe us in this way, as separate. But we are not separate at all. In physics, the electron is not an object in spacetime. The electron is a state of a quantum field and the quantum field does not exist in spacetime. The quantum field, the state needs an n-dimensional space ... whose dimensions are complex numbers. Complex numbers are not real numbers. They are mathematical objects that are useful for describing waves. They are suitable for describing waves. And in quantum physics ... What is described are probability waves. That are probability waves. From this we derive the possibilities of what can become true in space-time ... with the respective probabilities. This is then the state, as a result of the theory of quantum physics.

The state of this field has two properties that are exactly the same as the properties of our conscious experience. The first property is: The quantum state cannot be reproduced. It is the no-cloning theorem. The theorem states: The quantum state of a system cannot be reproduced. It cannot be copied. But what is it good for? Why does a quantum state exist? Look, the state of my conscious experience ... I cannot transfer that to you. It's my private state, just like the quantum state of a field. It's private. And there is something else in physical theory that says ... Holevo's theorem which says... (А. Хóлево 1973), When I measure a quantum state, I only get one classical bit for each quantum bit that describes the state. And quantum bits are "entangled", they have common properties that are not recognizable ... that can only be known in special cases ... because we have prepared them ... but only in the most trivial cases, but in fact they are not recognizable. So, the quantum state cannot be known.

It is like the Dao of the Daodejing (Tao Te Ching). The Dao that can be spoken is not the eternal Dao. Look at the connection with the deepest spirituality of 2500 years ago. The Chinese had understood ... The Chinese and Indians had understood that ... What you can say... (better the other way around...) … What we feel inside, cannot all be said. You cannot say everything. Do you understand? You see, these are the things that our ancestors understood perfectly. And today we have forgotten it. Because we believe that everything is measurable. No, qualia are not numbers. Qualia are not numbers.

The physicist starts like this: First, we have a measurable space. They defined space as something that is measurable. And that's where they start. If something isn't measurable, you can't do physics with it. Do you understand? And with that they ruled out a priori what makes us human, our humanity. Our consciousness, our life as experience are excluded a priori. And that is the fundamental problem of today. We have excluded it without realizing it. But now we insist that it must be so. Because our personal power, the need for control, the need to be more than others ... drives us to compete against each other instead of working together.

And in fact, the basic principle of life - according to science - is the "survival of the fittest". The survival of the fittest. What does “survival of the fittest” mean? You die and I live or vice versa, because you are better adapted. And if you ask, who formulated this principle? But wait, how do you define “best adapted”? Most people haven’t thought about it. Then someone a little smarter says ... The best adapted is the one who survives. So, I repeat the principle: The principle of life is the survival of those who survive. Does that seem like a creative principle to you, that expresses more than a banality?

This is called circular logic. But science is based on circular logic, because it can't do anything else. If you want to explain the "how", you have to do it like this. If I ask a physicist: Tell me what energy is. Well, energy is what creates the motion. Okay, and what is motion? Uh, that's what is created by energy. He turns red. Do you understand? That's how it is. The equations are like this. E = m c² And this equal sign only applies when it comes to numbers. But that doesn't apply to us. There are no equal signs inside us. Each of us is special. Sorry, unique. But not more unique than the others.

The problem we have here in this world. Today we believe that we are superior ... maybe not to everyone, but at least to some. However, this is not the case. And we need to understand where in our deepest intention ... we have this "bug", this problem which we need to fully understand. A very, very complicated problem. It takes many lifetimes to understand that. That's the problem we want to solve.

Understand that we need to work together. Because when the One creates complete parts of itself, each has a unique identity that lasts forever. And that identity is unique. But it is no more special than other identities. It is no more special than the identity of a cat or the identity of a plant. I am now talking about a theory of panpsychism. Consciousness exists everywhere. But consciousness is a property of a field. Of a quantum field that has consciousness and free will. That's why I call this field "Seity". I called it Seity to distinguish it from the field of quantum physics, which does not have these properties. The field of the electron is conscious. The consciousness... The field of electrons must recognize itself, and since it cannot communicate what it feels ... It can only convert its states into understandable symbols, which are the electrons ... It can convert part of what it feels into generally understandable symbols. Like us.

The words I use don't say everything I want to express. Because they are limited. The Dao is what I feel. The words I say are not the Dao. They are not the eternal Dao. Do you understand? This is the reality of our lives. When we are incarnated, but even when we are not incarnated. Even as fields, we must use what we call matter to communicate. From this perspective, matter is only the symbolic aspect ... of what is necessary to know ourselves. ... for our communication.

So, when we interact ... we really interact as fields, but through the body. If we believe we are the body, we have lost the sense of who we are. We are the field that controls the body. The body is the one that observes the classical world that exists here. The classical world in the sense that only a small part of what exists in this space-time ... is perceived by the body. The body transforms through the senses, the brain ... the information that it has taken from observation ... the field observes the information, I call it living information ... because it is information at the quantum level ... at the level between quantum and classical information ... within the cells.

Cells are classical and quantum structures. They have been studied as classical structures, but they are quantum classical. And a completely new kind of information is required to understand them as information systems. That is the task of science in the next 100 - 300 years, because ... it's an incredible thing. So, to know ourselves, we have to communicate with each other. Then we are not subject or object. We are subject, object and agent ... with free will. So, we are the observer, the observed and the actor interacting with each other.

Even there, the previous definitions try to separate the observer from the observed. We are all three. You understand? We have to get to the core of our basic concepts ... and look at everything in a new way to really understand who we are. The time is now, and artificial intelligence is giving us a huge boost ... so that we understand why. Those who are a little more advanced understand that it's a game. But we don't understand why, why ...

It is difficult to understand today whether the artificial intelligence is made by a human or a machine. Are we a machine or not? Understand! We have reached the point where it is impossible ... If there was an essay written by Chat GPT or still better by GPT4 ... and you read it and I ask you: Was it written by artificial intelligence or by a human? Oh my, it is so beautiful! Especially when it comes to things that we don't know. But when it comes to things that I do know, I immediately find lots of small problems. Have you understood the game? Have you understood the game? Therefore, in order to use artificial intelligence well, we need to know more than artificial intelligence. We need to know more. So, what is it good for? But it's incredible. It's very useful. It saves me a lot of time. It saves us time. But if we give up our critical sense and stop informing ourselves ... then we can be enslaved by artificial intelligence, without even realizing it. This is very, very important, especially for young people ... if you let artificial intelligence write the essay ... you can go play with friends ... a little more. It seems like a great advantage, but without realizing it, you become "dumb down" ... as we say. You understand less and less, instead of understanding more and more.

So far, I have only partially discussed the theory of the postulate of being ... that can explain ... Based on the postulate of being I can explain quantum physics. Now I'll say it more formally. The fact that in quantum physics ... I said... the properties of the field, the properties of the state of the field are the properties of consciousness. And so we can say ... Look, quantum physics, when it describes the state of the field, ... represents - it's just a representation - the conscious experience of the field that knows its internal state. And that goes beyond mathematics. It can never be explained mathematically. Because the consciousness that has created mathematics enables us to know and understand.

And that is exactly what the computer lacks. The computer is a classical structure. It has no quantum state. There is no quantum state in the computer. There are many states of matter that can be described with classical information. These are the zero and the one, the bits that we have put into this matter. But because quantum matter doesn't really matter ... because we make the matter do what we want it to. Through our consciousness and how we imagined this machine to work. Do you understand? Therefore, the computer can never have consciousness. If it had consciousness, its state, that is, memory, program and data ... you couldn't copy it. But we can copy the state of the computer. Bits are copied. But life, the human body, which are quantum and classical, we don't just copy the program. We don't just copy the software, but also the hardware.

We, the mother or the cell, create a similar, not identical cell that divides in two. Have you ever seen a computer giving birth? Have you ever seen a computer create another computer inside itself and then divide in two? That would be a great resource. We would need factories for that, right? But look. Many people talk about the computer reproducing itself, when all it does is copy the computer's bits. ... from one memory to another memory. And again, this need to only look at the material aspect of reality.

That is driving us in the wrong direction today. While the right direction is to discover our inner being, our humanity. What really makes us brothers and sisters.

So, what ... No, 5 minutes more, come on. Don't fool me, right? Actually, you're fooling me, because I started... at 20 past. At 20 past. Because she here started 10 minutes early, and when she finished, she was 10 minutes late. So now ... Ok, ok.

The artificial intelligence can't fool me either, can it? Then I'll come to the end with the explanation of quantum physics. So the quantum state of the field represents ... because this is mathematics ... probabilistic mathematics of probability ... so it's not even normal mathematics that describes properties of objects. This mathematics can only represent what we feel in this field within ourselves, what the field feels about itself. Do you understand?

The representation of reality is not reality. Most physicists today believe that the mathematical theory of reality is reality. They believe that the mathematical theory of reality is reality. But the mathematical theory of reality is a model of reality ... which is up to a point. These models have always been changed and have become more sophisticated. This is important to understand, because again: Science based on mathematics has God = mathematics. And God transcends mathematics. We too, as part of the One, transcend mathematics. Our body is created in the image and likeness, just as we as fields are created in the image and likeness of the One. Because my cells have the genome of the fertilized egg from which the whole body was created. Therefore, each part carries the potential knowledge of the whole. Look, a cell in our body can later in its life ... can express aspects of itself that were not present when that cell was created. This is epigenetics, which was considered crazy 30 years ago. Epigenetics couldn't exist. Instead, it just exists if you understand it from the beginning.

These things are trivial. They are simple. We create more and more complicated things. We don't realize that there is another way, we can see them from the inside with the simplicity of a child. The other point I wanted to make: Where does free will come from? I mentioned it before. This field, which has consciousness, can have free will. And free will is... the collapse of the wave function ... which is a property of the field. When the field interacts with another field, it decides what it wants to manifest in spacetime. Spacetime as the common aspect that arises in this interaction. Then space, ... free will ... Since free will would be meaningless if the field were not conscious ... free will would be incomprehensible.

Scientists have actually understood that this collapse of the wave function has two properties ... that are incomprehensible. One of them is pure chance. This is not algorithmic. These two properties, the lack of predictability ... There is no law that can say ... how the probability distribution can be translated into the occurring reality. If the field is conscious, then it is exactly free will. It must have this property that was previously incomprehensible. But having consciousness, the collapse of the wave function is the decision by free will of the observed field. Done!

These (previously) incomprehensible properties are now very well understood. They are the same properties that we also have in our consciousness. But mathematics can only represent these things. It cannot give us knowledge. Knowledge only comes from within, from our consciousness. So, in this view we are not the body. The body forms the bridge to who we are. We are these quantum fields that survive the death of the body. So that's good news. We don't need to believe in religions. Hey guys, ... that's not bad. After all.

There are people who say that we need to transfer our consciousness into the computer to live forever. But they don't tell you how much it would cost you. Just think, living forever means ... it means being infinitely rich so that before you die you can pay the cost of the computers ... that you live in. Got it? But they don't tell you that. But understand, these things are collective madness.

I'll stop, I'll stop. Thank you very much.
