Radio Taisō No. 2

ラジオ たいそう だい に

Radio Taiso No. 2

Radio gymnastics accompanied by piano music has been broadcast on the Japanese public radio station NHK (Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai, 日本放送協会) since 1928. Version 2, Radio Taisō No. 2, is broadcast alternately with Radio Taiso 1 every morning at 6:30 a.m. The movements are more dynamic than in version 1.

The exercises in detail

Exercise 1

Light hopping, 8 times.

Exercise 2

Starting position: arms crossed in front of the chest.
Swing arms down, bending knees; Swing further up, straightening knees again.
Bend arms and bend knees - twice.
Stretch arms up again and cross in front of the chest.
Do this 4 times.

Exercise 3

Stretch your arms forward and then to the side.
Stretch your arms down and up. Circle your arms backward and stretch them forward again.
Do this 4 times.

Exercise 4

Starting position: arms crossed in front of the chest.
Spread your arms upwards and open your chest.
Swing your arms back and cross them again.
Do this 4 times.

Exercise 5

Place your right hand under your armpit and swing your left arm sideways over your head twice. Place your arms against your body twice.
Do the same on the other side.
Do this 2 times.

Exercise 6

Stretch your arms forward, bend your upper body and swing your arms backwards and upwards.
Stand upright, stretch your arms upwards and bend your body backwards.
Do this 4 times.

Exercise 7

Swing your arms to the left 1 and right 2 at shoulder height, turning your body with it. Look forward and swing your arms diagonally to the left 3 and right 4 around your body, turning your body slightly.
Do this 4 times.

Exercise 8

Hop twice on your left foot. 1 2
Then hop twice on your right foot. 3 4
Step or hop on the spot with both feet four times. 5 6 7 8
Do the whole thing twice.

Exercise 9

Stand with your legs apart, align both arms horizontally to the left. Large arm circles to the right 1 2 until you bend twice 3 4 in front of your left foot.
Stand upright and align arms horizontally to the right. Large arm circles to the left 5 6 until you bend twice 7 8.
Do the whole thing twice.

Exercise 10

Bend your upper body and put your arms back 1 2.
Swing your arms forward and up, standing up almost straight 3 4.
Bend your upper body again and stretch your arms back again 5 6.
Swing your arms forward and leave them down in front of your body 7 8.
Get upright and do the whole thing again from the beginning.

Exercise 11

Starting position: legs closed and arms folded.
Jumping jack, open 1, close 2.
Hop on the spot twice 3 4.
Do the whole thing 4 times.

Exercise 12

Put your arms forward and lift your heels.
Swing your arms downwards and bend your knees 1.
Swing your arms further up to the horizontal and stretch your legs again. 2
Do this 8 times.

Exercise 13

Breathe in and out deeply.
Raise your arms and breathe in.
Lower your arms, cross them in front of your chest, swing them to the side again and stretch them outwards.
Do this twice.

Radio Taiso No. 2

Japanese Version