Autumn seminar in Balerna
From October 11th to 13th, 2024 the traditional autumn seminar took place in Balerna. On Friday, sixteen aikidoka from Ticino, Lombardy, Slovenia and the Czech Republic were already on the tatami.
Maurizio Volpe had brought a new aikido calligraphy, which was set up on the Kamiza side. He also led the training on Friday evening. At Kenkotaiso and Aikitaiso he consistently counted in Japanese, and also at Jo 1 Hitoriwaza on the spot. Then he taught the Tsuzukiwaza 12 Ushiro katatetori from the 2nd Dan program.
At the subsequent meal on the stage of the gym, which was offered by the Dojo Balerna, a total of 22 guests feasted on pizzas, spring rolls and bulgur salad as well as beer, water and wine.