Balerna October 2024

with Maurizio Volpe and Bernhard Boll

Autumn seminar in Balerna

From October 11th to 13th, 2024 the traditional autumn seminar took place in Balerna. On Friday, sixteen aikidoka from Ticino, Lombardy, Slovenia and the Czech Republic were already on the tatami.
Maurizio Volpe had brought a new aikido calligraphy, which was set up on the Kamiza side. He also led the training on Friday evening. At Kenkotaiso and Aikitaiso he consistently counted in Japanese, and also at Jo 1 Hitoriwaza on the spot. Then he taught the Tsuzukiwaza 12 Ushiro katatetori from the 2nd Dan program.
At the subsequent meal on the stage of the gym, which was offered by the Dojo Balerna, a total of 22 guests feasted on pizzas, spring rolls and bulgur salad as well as beer, water and wine.

Friday's Group Photo

Seminar Balerna


On Saturday, other aikidoka from Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna and Germany came on the tatami. Ryan led the Kenkotaiso and Bernhard then taught the Tsuzukiwaza 21 Tantodori 1 from the 1st Dan program.
Maurizio followed and gave first some explanations about Seiza Hō (正座法). He also asked the participants to practice more and "teach" less during the seminar. It is better to show physically in the movements what could possibly be improved. The theory always comes after practice and not the other way around. He then taught the first two techniques of the Tsuzukiwaza Katadori, which corresponds to the old Taigi 14 and was no longer included in the official list of Tsuzukiwaza.
All participants who had registered for lunch at the Grotto del Mulino then went to the Breggia valley and enjoyed the pre-ordered menu.
During the break, before training continued, there were video recordings with Giuliano from the Pavia Dojo for some reels.
In the first afternoon training session, Ryan led a longer breathing exercise with soundwoods (Hyōshigi 拍子木) in seiza. Then Bernhard had various Ki tests from the examination program practiced.
In the second part of the afternoon, Maurizio taught the remaining techniques of the Tsuzukiwaza Katadori and had them demonstrated at the end.
Finally, Ryan took the Okuden exam, which he passed with convincing posture.
Thirteen participants met for dinner at the Ristorante Stazione in Balerna. Some aikidoka also stayed there overnight. There were very tasty Roman pasta specialties.

Saturday's Group Photo

Seminar in Balerna 09/2024


Sunday began with an unpleasant surprise. The participants from the Czech Republic had to leave because there had been a sad incident at home overnight.
In the first part of the morning, Bernhard taught the Tsuzukiwaza 22 Tantodori 2 from the 2nd Dan program. Stefano then demonstrated it together with Andrea.
Maurizio had practice Jo 1 intensively on the spot (without steps) again and also the normal Hitoriwaza form. He then explained the sequence 20-21-22 in great detail, and later the elements 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.
The seminar ended at 12 noon. After the precisely organized putting away of the mats and all the tables and benches, most of the participants set off for home. Seven participants rounded off the seminar with a lunch at the Grotto del Mulino.
The next seminars will be held from November 1st to 3rd in Prague (CZ) and on November 30th in Vercelli (I).
We look forward to meeting many of our Aikido friends again.
In the meantime, we thank Maurizio and Bernhard for their willingness to pass on their precious knowledge of aikido, rich in knowledge acquired during several decades of practice !
Our thanks also go to all the aikidoka friends who visited us with their valued presence and their smiles.
See you soon!

Herbst im Tessin