Liège September 2024

with Maurizio Volpe and Bernhard Boll

Ki-Aikido Sclessin

From September 14th to 15th, 2024, a seminar with Maurizio Volpe and Bernhard Boll took place in the Ki-Aikido Sclessin dojo in Liège. Most of the participants came from Liège, but some aikidoka also came from Piedmont, Ticino, Antwerp and Walwijk.
Maurizio Volpe began the teachers' class on Saturday. He taught the long form of Tsuzukiwaza 25 (Jo 1 with Bokken) with Vincenzo as Uke. He placed particular emphasis on the interaction between the two performers and explained in great detail the individual situations that are presented in this sequence. After a bit more than an hour, the participants had studied the Tszukiwaza up to situation 3 (Yokomenuchi/Gyaku Yokomenuchi).
At the beginning of the general training, Maurizio Volpe handed over the certificate for the 3rd Dan to the dojo leader Fabrizio Tornabene and the certificate for Chuden to Giuseppe Lanzarotta. Both had taken the exams in March 2024 at Balerna (CH).
Bernhard Boll continued the lessons. He explained Tsuzukiwaza 2 (Ushiro Katatedori) and the first three techniques of Tsuzukiwaza 8 (Yokomenuchi). Since these Tsuzukiwaza are included in the 1st Dan program, he primarily asked Aikidoka with the 1st Kyu (brown belt) to make themselves available as Uke.
Most of the participants then went for lunch to an Italian restaurant in a wooded area on the outskirts of the city.

Seminar in Lüttich 09/2024

In the afternoon, Maurizio Volpe continued the lessons with Tsuzukiwaza 11 (Katatedori Irimi). The numerous young aikidoka on the mat were very committed. They were supported by the experienced aikidoka at the techniques that were less familiar to them. The atmosphere on the mat was very good and practicing was a lot of fun.
For dinner a large group came together in a pizzeria. There was a lot of discussion at the long table and people often toasted each other.
In the late evening the 4 participants from Italy and Switzerland took the opportunity to visit the fantastic structures of Guillemins train station. Their hotel was directly opposite.
The teacher training on Sunday was led by Bernhard Boll. He continued with the long form of Tsuzukiwaza 25. First he had Jo 1 Hitoriwaza repeated in order to better memorize the numbering of the movements. Then he and Fabrizio Tornabene showed this Tsuzukiwaza in the form of the third Dan. This was originally created to make the movements of Jo 1 plausible. Then came the detailed forms from the program of the first Dan. The counting was also clearly defined: 1.1 1.2 1.3, 2.1 2.2 2.3, 3, 3-4, 5, 5-6, 7, 8. This helped the participants to remember the complex sequence better.
At the beginning of the general training, Fabrizio Tornabene, Maurizio Volpe and Bernhard Boll presented specially made and signed certificates of participation to the young aikidoka.
Maurizio Volpe began the last lesson with detailed footwork exercises in preparation for the first technique in Tsuzukiwaza 13 (Ryotemochi). He explained many details that were interesting even for the old hands. Even the lower belt levels managed to practice and understand the entire Tsuzukiwaza.
The beautiful and interesting seminar ended at 12:30. Everyone thanked each other and said goodbye. The four guests from the south drove back via Germany to Switzerland and Italy.

Some Photos


Seminar in Lüttich 09/2024