Ljubljana May 2024

Seminar with Maurizio Volpe

Ki Dojo Ljubljana

The Ki Dojo Društvo’s annual Aikido seminar has been held in May in the Dravlje district for decades in the local school’s sport’s hall. It served during that period as one of of the two annual seminars held with the late Doshu in Ljubljana.
Now led by Irene, they are fortunate to have a large number of tatami at their disposal and also hold their regular training at the same school. Members of the two dojos recently started meeting regularly to practice together. A regular weekend practice of interest to other dojos/practitioners in the region is in its infancy.
Around 30-40 participants arrived over the two-day seminar from two Ljubljana dojos, Koper/Izola, Zagreb, Zadar, Dubrovnik, Italy (Vercelli, Monfalcone), the UK (London) and the Netherlands (Harlem). For several members of the hosting dojo, it was the first contact with Volpe sensei’s teaching. Others have experienced seminar’s with him in the last years in Zagreb and at Velebit.


Saturday morning comprised ryotedori (TW 4), physically rather demanding, which led one to wonder if someone was to show out for Nidan examination. Unfortunately, this turned out not to be the case – perhaps the candidate will be ready by Velebit. Once again, the teacher demonstrated patiently and thoroughly fine details and his expression of form and leading, all in absence of force and power. Several people served as uke, while the Nidan candidate was invited to demonstrate techniques with his uke throughout. Ikkyo was also studied from Shomenuchi (TW 7) with emphasis on the lead hand, closing to nage’s outside knee (in gyaku hanmi), entirely without pushing down on uke’s elbow.
The afternoon was used to study bokken (TW 28), in which both uke and nage are engaged in various attacks and counterattacks from standing position, again as included in Nidan programme. This was studied in suitable detail that it encompassed most of the training.
An evening dinner at a local Chinese restaurant provided an opportunity for a get together for some, others returned home in the evening.


Morning and afternoon training, albeit somewhat shorter, made up Sunday’s programme. Again, aspects of Aikitaiso were deepened, followed by techniques with Tanto (ushiro koteoroshi/ikkyo), and Jo 2 with bokken. A short but sufficient lunch was arranged at a nearby restaurant.
An excellent atmosphere of collaboration and exchange was maintained throughout. The teacher’s approach allows the participants to test his explanations or their own, in style and manner which easily connects and integrates with former Doshu’s teachings. Maurizio thanked Irene for the invitation and closed by inviting participants to help remove the tatami.


The next occasion to practice under Volpe sensei in the region will be at the Velebit summer seminar, 26-31 July, 2024.

Report by Ryan Jepson

Seminar at Ljubljana 05/2024

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