Memorial for Gianni Gioconto
This year's memorial seminar for Gianni Gioconto took place on April 20, 2024. For this occasion, around 40 Aikidoka came to the Dojo Meishinkan in Viale John and Robert Kennedy, Novara. Domenico Saida started the first lesson. Francesco Ingemi and Riccardo Lupi followed, all with one hour lessons each. Their teachings focused on fundamental aspects of Aikido. They showed special exercises on Ki, spatial awareness or actions. They explained a lot in detail, especially the background of the exercises.
Before lunch break, two representatives of the sports organization paid their respects to the seminar participants and spoke about their experiences with Gianni as a highly valued person and Aikido master. Gianni's widow and daughter also came by and received flowers from the seminar's organizer.
For lunch we walked to the Pizzeria Piazzano, which is 10 minutes away from the dojo. The food was very tasty.
Maurizio Volpe and Claudio Fasola continued the lessons in the afternoon. Since the tatami were no longer as full, they had more dynamic techniques practised and explained them very precisely.
An interesting and instructive seminar ended at 6 p.m., which not only remembered a great Aikido master but also promoted the exchange between the teachers and the participating Aikidoka.