On the third weekend in October, from October 14th to 16th, 2022, the traditional international autumn seminar of the Ticino association Ki Aikido (ATKA) took place in Balerna. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of ATKA's official existence, the seminar was free of charge for the participants. As in the previous year, Maurizio Volpe and Bernhard Boll took on the role of teachers.
A dozen Aikidoka from Switzerland and Italy were already on the mat on Friday evening. After Kenkotaiso and Aikitaiso, Maurizio taught the 7 techniques of Tsuzukiwaza 12 (ushiro katatedori) from the third dan program. As always, Maurizio explained in great detail the geometries and intentions, and also how each subsequent technique (tsuzuki waza!) evolves from the previous one.