Trebur Octobre 2021
Seminar with Maurizio Volpe and Bernhard Boll
After a break of almost two years, the Aikido department of TV Trebur had invited to a seminar with Maurizio Volpe (Novara) and Bernhard Boll (Balerna). This time we were able to use again the beautiful large hall (Mittelpunktschule), so that the number of participants did not have to be limited too much due to COVID.
As always the Aikidoka from Trebur Hans-Jürgen, Volker and Dieter had prepared everything very well. On Friday evening, Hans-Jürgen welcomed the participants on the tatami and first remembered our masters Yoshigasaki Sensei and Gianni Gioconto, who have left us surprisingly this year.
On the mat were guests from Pavia, Berlin, Cologne, Nuremberg and Hechingen. The main topics of the seminar were techniques for the 2nd Dan.
Maurizio started with Bokkendori (tsuzukiwaza 23). He had the techniques first shown by Hans-Jürgen and Volker and then explained the geometries and the actions in great detail. After two hours of practice, we went to have dinner in the restaurant Eigenheim.

On Saturday morning Heike started with Kenkotaiso, Bokken-Breathing and Bokken-Misogi. Bernhard dealt with Jo 2 against Bokken (tsuzukiwaza 26). This is the detailed variant that demonstrates different possibilities of interaction. The basis is always Jo 2 hitoriwaza. During interaction between Jo and Bokken, it is important to be clear about which situation you want to show. Then the process becomes logical.
After a short coffee break, Maurizio continued the lessons. He finished the exercises on Bokkendori and started with Tantodori 2 (tsuzukiwaza 22).
The lunch break took place in the hall. The Trebur people had prepared plenty of food and drink. Giuliano had brought some bottles of excellent Pignoletto from Pavia and Maurizio from Novara a tasty Gorgonzola.

In the afternoon, Maurizio deepened the topic of Bokkendori and Bernhard took on Bokken 2 with partner. After the training, most of the Aikidoka met in the restaurant "Zum Erker" for dinner. This also provided an opportunity to exchange views on various current topics.
On Sunday morning Heike started again with Bokken-Misogi, where she explained some special phases and the rhythms. Maurizio continued training with Ryotedori (tsuzukiwaza 4). A very interesting topic with clever techniques.

After the lunch break, again in the hall and prepared by the Treburer Aikidoka, we continued with tsuzukiwaza shomenuchi as well as some aspects of the randori, which in Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido is rather called "multi-person attack". Maurizio's remarks on tsuzukiwaza 28, Kumitachi, concluded the lessons. He built up the first four complex techniques step by step in a systematic way, so that it became clear what is to be shown with these interactions.
Most of the participants started their journey home on Sunday afternoon.
Hans-Jürgen, Volker, Maurizio, Giuliano and Bernhard met for a debriefing at dinner in the club restaurant of TV Trebur 1886 e.V. The food was very tasty and the kitchen was extremely flexible when the trio from the south ordered a special tarte flambée, which was not provided for on the menu.

For most, the seminar was the first meeting after the hard Covid break. Many participants had in mind that every dojo now has to stand on its own feet without Yoshigasaki Sensei and without Gianni Sensei. Trebur and other dojos are in the fortunate situation, that they have with Maurizio a ninth Dan as Shihan. But we should do all together our best to ensuring that the Aikidoka in our dojos can continue on the path of Aikido.
Many thanks to the Trebur people for the organization and the perfect all-round service. Without this voluntary commitment, such meetings are not possible. Some participants will meet again at the next seminar with Maurizio and Bernhard from 15 to 17 October 2021 in Balerna (CH). Another seminar is planned in Hechingen for the beginning of March 2022.
The Organizers:

The participants:

Photos: Hans-Jürgen; Text: Bernhard