The three sisters Sachi, Yoshino and Chika Koda live in Kamakura, a tranquil coastal town not far from the capital Tokyo, in their late grandmother's old house. Fifteen years after her father left with another woman, they go to a distant province of Japan at his funeral. There they also get to know their 13-year-old half-sister Suzu Asano. Now that Suzu is on her own, the three sisters offer her to come to Kamakura. The shy Suzu accepts the offer. Their mother and the great aunt are less pleased with the new arrival. But the four young women get along well and help each other.
The film not only shows the everyday life of women living together in a beautiful old Japanese house. We also learn about general questions of life and how they can be mastered.
Sachi Koda is the oldest (30 years) and leads the group. She works as a doctor in a hospital and is in a relationship with a married colleague.
Yoshino Koda works at a bank, likes to drink and is often unlucky with the men.
Chaki Koda works in a sports shop. Her friend is a former extreme mountain climber. Both are fans of the mixed youth football team, which Suzu also joins.
Suzu Asano is the half sister of the three. However, her mother has already died. She lived with her father and his third wife in Yamagata, 500 km north of Kamakura.
Futa is Suzu's sidekick in the soccer team.
Miyako Koda is the first wife and mother of the three adult daughters. She has a tense relationship with them and lives in Sapporo (1100 km north of Kamakura).
Fumiyo Kikuchi (played by Kiki Kirin) is the critical great aunt and sister of the grandma (= mother of Miyako Koda) who owned the house.