Giorni perfetti


Nel 2022, Wim Wenders è stato invitato a Tokyo da Koji Yanai, capo del Tokyo Toilet Project. Con l'aiuto di 16 artisti, questo progetto ha ridisegnato i bagni pubblici in 17 località di Shibuya.
Inizialmente Wenders avrebbe dovuto realizzare un cortometraggio, ma ha deciso di realizzare un lungometraggio. Insieme a Takuma Takasaki ha disegnato il personaggio dell'addetto alle pulizie del WC, Hirayama. Il risultato è un film eccellente.

Il film è caratterizzato dall'attore principale Kōji Yakusho, conosciuto, ad esempio, da "Kitsutsuki to ame" del 2011. È stato premiato come miglior attore a Cannes nel 2023.
La storia ha gli ingredienti che si attendono oggi. Le immagini, il lavoro della fotocamera e il montaggio sono eccellenti. Nella colonna sonora, Wenders utilizza una dozzina di successi degli anni '60 e '70. Ciò probabilmente piace principalmente agli spettatori della fascia di età corrispondente. I libri che il protagonista legge nel film stanno attualmente riscuotendo un grande successo di vendite in Giappone.

Movie Data

Titolo: "Se solo potessi vivere così"
Titolo originale: こんなふうに生きていけたなら
Titolo inglese: Perfect Days
Pubblicato: 2023
Durata: 125 minuti

Direttore: Wim Wenders
Script: Wim Wenders, Takuma Takasaki
Musica: Brani degli anni 60 e 70

Kōji Yakusho: Hirayama
Tokio Emoto: Takashi
Arisa Nakano: Niko
Aoi Yamada: Aya
Yumi Asō: Keiko
Sayuri Ishikawa: Mama
Tomokazu Miura: Tomoyama
Min Tanaka: senza tetto
Wim Wenders: cliente nel negozio delle musicassette


Hirayama lavora come addetto alle pulizie dei bagni pubblici a Tokyo. Ripete ogni giorno la sua vita strutturata e ritualizzata. Dedica il suo tempo libero alla passione per la musica e ai suoi libri.
Hirayama ama anche molto gli alberi e passa il tempo a fotografarli e a fare giardinaggio. Il giovane assistente di Hirayama, Takashi, è spesso in ritardo, rumoroso e non altrettanto accurato. Un giorno, una giovane donna di nome Aya si ferma al bagno pubblico che Takashi sta pulendo, quindi si affretta a finire. Cerca di partire con Aya, ma la sua moto non parte, quindi convince Hirayama a lasciargli usare il suo furgoncino.
Quando Aya dice che Takashi può stare con lei mentre sta lavorando in un bar per ragazze, lui si lamenta ad alta voce di essere al verde. Takashi infila la musicassetta di Patti Smith di Hirayama nella borsa di Aya. Takashi convince Hirayama ad andare in un negozio per far valutare alcune delle sue cassette. Quando Takashi scopre quanto valgono, esorta Hirayama a venderli, ma Hirayama rifiuta, dandogli dei soldi in modo che possa andare con Aya.
Hirayama inizia un gioco di tris con uno sconosciuto. Il gioco continua nel corso del film.
Aya raggiunge Hirayama per restituire la cassetta di Patti Smith. Chiede di ascoltarla nel furgoncino un'ultima volta e poi gli dà un bacio di ringraziamento sulla guancia.
Nel suo giorno libero, Hirayama fa il bucato, prende la pellicola con le foto dell'albero da sviluppare, pulisce il suo appartamento, compra un nuovo libro e cena in un ristorante dove la proprietaria condivide con lui pettegolezzi.
Niko, la nipote di Hirayama, si presenta senza preavviso, dopo essere scappata dalla casa della mama, la ricca sorella di Hirayama, Keiko. Lascia che Niko lo accompagni al lavoro nei prossimi due giorni. I due fotografano gli alberi del parco e vanno insieme in bicicletta. Alla fine, Keiko viene a prendere Niko.
Keiko gli dice che la demenza del padre è peggiorata e chiede se Hirayama andrà a trovarlo nella casa di cura dove vive. Hirayama rifiuta tristemente ma abbraccia sua sorella.
Il giorno successivo, Takashi si licenzia senza preavviso, lasciando Hirayama a coprire il suo turno. Più tardi, mentre Hirayama va al suo solito ristorante, apre la porta e vede la proprietaria che abbraccia un uomo. Hirayama si affretta a comprare sigarette e tre highball in lattina da consumare sulla vicina riva del fiume. L'uomo che Hirayama ha visto al ristorante si avvicina e gli chiede una sigaretta. L'uomo gli racconta che la proprietaria del ristorante è la sua ex moglie che non vedeva da sette anni e che lei ha aperto il suo ristorante l'anno dopo aver divorziato da lui. Dice di essere andato a trovarla per fare pace prima di morire di cancro, dicendo a Hirayama di prendersi cura di lei. Hirayama alleggerisce l'atmosfera offrendogli da bere e invitandolo a giocare a Shadow Tag, e alla fine i due si separano.
La mattina seguente, Hirayama inizia un'altra settimana lavorativa. Mentre guida il suo furgoncino ascolta Nina Simone cantare "Mi sento bene".


00:00 "Perfect Day" Lou Reed 1972
03:43 "Sunny Afternoon" The Kinks 1966
07:16 "Brown Eyed Girl" Minivan Morrison 1967
10:21 "Redondo Beach" Patti Smith 1975
13:46 "Aoi Sakana" Sachiko Kanenobu 1972
17:43 "(Walkin' Thru The) Sleepy City" The Rolling Stones 1964
20:33 "Pale Blue Eyes" The Velvet Underground 1969
26:16 "Feeling Good" Nina Simone 1965
29:09 "The House of the Rising Sun" The Animals 1964
33:46 "(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay" Otis Redding 1968

Perfect Day
Just a perfect day - Drink Sangria in the park - And then later - When it gets dark, we go home.
Just a perfect day - Feed animals in the zoo - Then later - A movie, too, and then home.
Oh, it's such a perfect day - I'm glad I spent it with you - Oh, such a perfect day - You just keep me hanging on - You just keep me hanging on.
Just a perfect day - Problems all left alone - Weekenders on our own - It's such fun.
Just a perfect day - You made me forget myself - I thought I was - Someone else, someone good.
Oh, it's such a perfect day - I'm glad I spent it with you - Oh, such a perfect day - You just keep me hanging on - You just keep me hanging on.
You're going to reap just what you sow - You're going to reap just what you sow - You're going to reap just what you sow - You're going to reap just what you sow.

Sunny Afternoon
The tax man's taken all my dough - And left me in my stately home - Lazin' on a sunny afternoon - And I can't sail my yacht - He's taken everything I've got - All I've got's this sunny afternoon.
Save me, save me, save me from this squeeze - I got a big fat mama tryna break me - And I love to live so pleasantly - Live this life of luxury - Lazin' on a sunny afternoon - In the summertime - In the summertime - In the summertime.
My girlfriend's run off with my car - And gone back to her ma and pa - Tellin' tales of drunkenness and cruelty - Now I'm sittin' here - Sippin' at my ice-cold beer - Lazin' on a sunny afternoon.
Help me, help me, help me sail away - Well, give me two good reasons why I oughta stay - 'Cause I love to live so pleasantly - Live this life of luxury - Lazin' on a sunny afternoon - In the summertime - In the summertime - In the summertime.
Oh, save me, save me, save me from this squeeze - I got a big fat mama tryna break me - And I love to live so pleasantly - Live this life of luxury - Lazin' on a sunny afternoon - In the summertime - In the summertime - In the summertime - In the summertime - In the summertime.

Brown Eyed Girl
Hey, where did we go? - Days when the rains came - Down in the hollow - Playin′ a new game - Laughin' and a-runnin′, hey, hey - Skippin' and a-jumpin' - In the misty morning fog with - our, our hearts a-thumping and you.
My brown-eyed girl - And you, my brown-eyed girl.
And whatever happened - to Tuesday and so slow? - Going down the old mine with a transistor radio - Standing in the sunlight laughing - hiding ′hind a rainbow′s wall - Slipping and sliding - all along the waterfall with you.
My brown-eyed girl - You, my brown-eyed girl.
Do you remember when we used to sing? - Sha-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la tee-da - Just like that - Sha-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la tee-da, la-tee-da.
So hard to find my way - Now that I'm all on my own - I saw you just the other day - My, how you have grown - Cast my memory back there, Lord - Sometimes I′m overcome thinking 'bout it - Making love in the green grass - behind the stadium with you.
My brown-eyed girl - You, my brown-eyed girl.
Do you remember when we used to sing? - Sha-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la tee-da - Sha-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la tee-da.

Redondo Beach
Late afternoon, dreaming hotel - We just had the quarrel that sent you away - I was looking for you, are you gone gone?
Called you on the phone, another dimension - Well, you never returned, oh you know what I mean - I went looking for you, are you gone, gone?
Down by the ocean it was so dismal, - Women all standing with a shock on their faces - Sad description, oh I was looking for you.
Everyone was singing, girl is washed up - On Redondo Beach and everyone is so sad - I was looking for you, are you gone gone?
Pretty little girl, everyone cried - She was the victim of sweet suicide - I went looking for you, are you gone gone?
Down by the ocean it was so dismal, - Women all standing with shock on their faces - Sad description, oh I was looking for you.
Desk clerk told me girl was washed up, - Was small, an angel with apple blonde hair, now - I went looking for you, are you gone gone?
Picked up my key, didn′t reply - Went to my room, started to cry - You were small, an angel, are you gone gone?
Down by the ocean it was so dismal - I was just standing with shock on my face - The hearse pulled away, and the girl that had died, it was you.
You'll never return into my arms ′cause you were gone gone - Never return into my arms 'cause you were gone gone - Gone gone, gone gone, good-bye.

青い魚 Aoi sakana
青い海も 青い魚も みんな昔 手にしたもの。
Aoi umi mo aoi sakana mo minna mukashi teni shitamono.
今 私の この手のひらの中を 冷たい風だけが通りぬけてゆく。
Ima watashi no kono teno hirano naka wo tsumetai kaze dakega toori nuketeyuku.
グロテスクな 子供達のむれや 歩道に残った 車の足跡。
Gurotesukuna kodomotachi nomureya hodouni nokotta kuruma no sokuseki.
ぼやけ顔の月だけが 昨日 残した足跡を たどってゆく。
Boyake kao no gatsu dakega kinou nokoshita sokuseki wo tadotteyuku.
Oh にわとりの目隠し はがれたはずなのに 空を見つめたまま 止まって 止まって 止まってしまった。
Oh niwatorino mekakushi hagaretahazunanoni sora wo mitsu metamama tomatte tomatte tomatteshimatta.

(Walkin’ Thru the) Sleepy City
Walkin′thru' the sleepy city - In the dark it looks so pretty - Till I got to the one cafe - That stays open night and day.
Just a lookin′ at the sleepy city - In the night it looks so pretty - No one sees the city lights - They just care about the warmth inside.
No one listens to what people say - I just sit and hear the radio play - Just then this girl walked in my way - And she was as pretty as my sleepy city.
Will you walk through the sleepy city - In the night it looks so pretty - Tired of walkin on my own - It looks better when you're not alone.
Will you walk through the sleepy city - In the night it looks so pretty - I'm tired of walkin on my own - It looks better when you′re not alone.
Mm mm mm mm mm mm - Mm mm mm mm mm mm - La la la la la la - La la la la la la la la.
Will you walk through the sleepy city - In the night, well it looks so pretty - I′m tired of walkin on my own - It looks better when you're not alone.
C′mon walk through that sleepy city - I said in the night it looks so pretty - I'm tired of walkin that park on my own - It looks better when you′re not alone.

Pale Blue Eyes
Sometimes I feel so happy - Sometimes I feel so sad - Sometimes I feel so happy - But mostly, you just make me mad - Baby, you just make me mad.
Linger on your pale blue eyes - Linger on your pale blue eyes.
Thought of you as my mountain top - Thought of you as my peak - Thought of you as everything - I′ve had, but couldn't keep - I′ve had, but couldn't keep.
Linger on your pale blue eyes - Linger on your pale blue eyes.
If I could make the world as pure - and strange as what I see - I'd put you in the mirror - I put in front of me - I put in front of me.
Linger on your pale blue eyes - Linger on your pale blue eyes.
Skip a life completely - Stuff it in a cup - She said, money is like us in time - It lies, but can′t stand up - Down for you is up.
Linger on your pale blue eyes - Linger on your pale blue eyes.
It was good what we did yesterday - And I′d do it once again - The fact that you are married - only proves, you're my best friend - But it′s truly, truly a sin.
Linger on your pale blue eyes - Linger on your pale blue eyes.

Feeling Good
Birds flying high, you know how I feel - Sun in the sky, you know how I feel - Breeze driftin′ on by, you know how I feel - It's a new dawn, it′s a new day, it's a new life for me - And I'm feeling good.
Fish in the sea, you know how I feel - River running free, you know how I feel - Blossom on the tree, you know how I feel - It′s a new dawn, it's a new day, it′s a new life for me - And I'm feeling good.
Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don′t you know? - Butterflies all havin' fun, you know what I mean - Sleep in peace when day is done, that′s what I mean - And this old world, is a new world, and a bold world for me - For me.
Stars when you shine, you know how I feel - Scent of the pine, you know how I feel - Oh, freedom is mine, and I know how I feel - It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it′s a new life, huh for me.
Oh I'm feeling good.

House of the Rising Sun
There is a house in New Orleans - They call the Rising Sun - And it′s been the ruin of many a poor boy - And God, I know I'm one.
My mother was a tailor - She sewed my new blue jeans - My father was a gamblin′ man - Down in New Orleans.
Now the only thing a gambler needs - Is a suitcase and a trunk - And the only time he's satisfied - Is when he's on a trump.
Oh mother, tell your children - Not to do what I have done - Spend your lives in sin and misery - In the House of the Rising Sun.
Well, I got one foot on the platform - The other foot on the train - I′m goin′ back to New Orleans - To wear that ball and chain.
Well, there is a house in New Orleans - They call the Rising Sun - And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy - And God, I know I′m one.

(Sittin' on) The Dock of the Bay
Sittin′ in the morning sun - I'll be sittin′ when the evenin' comes - Watchin' the ships roll in - Then I watch them roll away again, yeah.
I′m just sittin′ on the dock of the bay - Watchin' the tide roll away, ooh - I′m sittin' on the dock of the bay - Wastin′ time.
I left my home in Georgia - And I headed for the Frisco Bay - 'Cause I′ve got nothin' to live for - And look like nothing's gonna come my way.
So, I′m just gon′ sit on the dock of the bay - Watchin' the tide roll away, ooh - I′m sittin' on the dock of the bay - Wastin′ time.
Look like nothing's gonna change - Everythin′ seems to stay the same - I can't do what ten people tell me to do - So I guess I'll remain the same.
Sittin′ here resting my bones - And this loneliness won′t leave me alone, listen - Two thousand miles I roam - Just to make this dock my home, now.
I'm just sittin′ on the dock of a bay - Watchin' the tides roll away, ooh - Sittin′ on the dock of the bay - I'm wastin′ time.

I 17 posti del Tokyo Toilet Project

Sorgente: Tokyo Toilet Project

Tokyo Toilet Project
Tokyo Toilet Project
Tokyo Toilet Project