Aikido Styles

Yoshigasaki Sensei


Aikido Styles

Yoshigasaki Sensei talks about styles in Aikido.
"This is a typical mistake of the people in Aikido. The idea of standardized, fixed techniques. They believe that you always have to do it exactly this way ..."

Many Aikidoka think that there is "the one right technique". There exists a certain form, which is the right technique. This idea is completely wrong! Is there a single form of classical music? Who is right? Beethoven or Mozart or Schubert? Obviously, everyone has his/her own style. In art, everyone has his own style? Or does every school have their own style? Everyone has to have his own style and not the style of the school. But many people in Aikido think it has to be the style of the school. But I don't think so.
In my school - are the style of Bruno and the style of Maurizio the same? The difference is big, isn't it? Gianni is also very different, isn't he? That's ok! Everyone must have his own style. There doesn't have to be a style of school. This is simply wrong. If there is a style of school, it means that everyone is like that (like with blinkers). Like animals. So there are styles, but everyone has his own style. Not the style of the school. That is important.
So there is no such thing as a "right" technique. It doesn't have to, it doesn't exist.
But there is the right mathematics, the right science. In art, there are many different forms of expression. In mathematics and science, there is right and wrong. So the mathematical and scientific part has to be right. But the artistic part has to be your own style.
... So, now, scientifically, his Ukemi is wrong...