Bokken 2 5-10

Yoshigasaki Sensei


Bokken 2 - Kumitachi

Techniques until number 10.
Variants of number 6.
Exercises for number 8.
Standardform until number 10.

At 5, Nage turns with a right turn backwards against a new attacker and executes a shomenuchi (ushiro shomenuchi).
This is followed by a tsuki at 6. In the kata, the right foot is in front. The left foot could just as well be in front. However, this would mean that the following ushiro shomenuchi would also have the right foot in front. For more variety, the tsuki 6 has the right foot in front, and consequently the left foot is in front in the following ushiro shomenuchi.
So 7 is a ushiro shomenuchi with left foot in front after a left turn.
8 is again a tsuki with left foot in front. Since Uke does not retreat, the bokken climb up one against the other.
This confrontation is resolved at 9 by both trying to get behind the opponent with a big sabaki and executing yokomenuchi. This phase can also be practiced separately.
10 is then quasi the repetition of 9 and the return to the positions before. As a difference to 9, it is sometimes stated that here both try to cut, while at 9 Nage at first only dodged.
In that this movement makes some sense in the kata, it is not appropriate to block the opponent, which would easily be possible. This would be a purely defensive strategy. In the kata, harmonious movements are to be practiced. Two arguments serve as justification. First of all, blocking is destructive and even in real life you have to attack in order not to lose. Secondly, there are usually many attackers and you cannot stay in one place but have to move constantly.
At the end of the video clip, the kata is shown from 1 to 10, with Uke representing the attackers on both sides.