Hanmi - Gyaku Hanmi

半身 - 逆半身

Makikaeshi & Kirikaeshi

巻き返し   &   切り返し

Makikaeshi & Kirikaeshi

1. In both techniques, Nage works with gyaku hanmi and with hanmi.
2. Makikaeshi starts with a "small" gyaku hanmi. There are different variations of gyaku hanmi.
3. Kirikaeshi begins with a large gyaku hanmi.
4. Some Aikido schools do not know the concept of gyaku hanmi. So, the techniques appear more schematic.

ai hanmi gyaku hanmi

Ai hanmi & gyaku hanmi

In Aikido schools with older terminology, hanmi is usually only used in connection with the basic posture (kamae).
Uke and Nage face each other.
If Uke and Nage both have the same foot in front, e.B. the right, this is called ai hanmi (合半身, ai = fitting).
If Uke has the left foot and Nage the right foot in front, this is called gyaku hanmi (gyaku = reverse).
Accordingly, the techniques with katatedori are divided into ai hanmi (= katate kosa dori) and gyaku hanmi (= katatedori).

Hanmi - gyaku hanmi with ikkyo irimi

In the older version of ikkyo irimi, Nage enters with a "strong irimi". The inner foot and the inner arm are in front, i.e. hanmi.
In the newer version of ikkyo irimi, Uke's arm is controlled in the posture of gyaku hanmi. The outer foot and inner arm of Nage are in front, i.e. gyaku hanmi.
Yoshigasaki Sensei called this form gyaku hanmi and applied the concept to other techniques as well. In Aikitaiso he implemented an appropriate exercise.

Hanmi gyaku hanmi undo

See also "ALL OF AIKIDO" by Yoshigasaki Sensei, Part I, Chapter Aikitaiso.