Practise with Ki

Yoshigasaki Sensei


Practise with Ki

Find out the sucessful way.

Uke holds a tanto in his hand. The goal is to guide his hand down. You must not press against his hand from above. It is enough to put only one finger on the hand and then lower your body, while maintaining the line (form).
Sensei shows the exercise in hitoriwaza.
Sensei in Seiza:
So you create a situation and you succeed. If, for example a car works well at 100 km/h, one can assume that this is always the case. If IKEA performs a stress test on a chair 10,000 times and the chair does not break, then one can assume that this also applies to the other chairs of the same design.
But that's the theory for materials. This is not true in life. The success of today does not guarantee the success of tomorrow. If it works with that person, there's no guarantee that it will work with someone else as well. How can this be implemented in life?
You have to understand which situations lead to success and which lead to failure. How do you do that?
Sensei calls Italia to illustrate the explanations.
Sensei: Think of the top here.
Sensei does a Ki test that fails.
Sensei: Think of the bottom here.
Sensei does a Ki test, which ends successfully.
In one situation, you succeed. In the other situation, you have failure.
This is the essence of the Ki test. But that doesn't mean that you will always be successful. But that's how you can work on being more successful. So she realizes that in this situation she had success, in the other situation it was failure. Although without guarantee, but we can work towards success.
Problem from the beginning of the video. Italia presses against Sensei's hand.
Sensei: This is the situation of failure. Now do not press, just keep the line (form) and go down with the whole body.
Italia carries out the exercise as proposed.
That is the situation of success. That doesn't mean she'll always succeed. But it can at least work in the right direction. When you work in the direction of failure, it's a wrong practice. So you have to understand what the situation of success is. This is "working with Ki".

Meditation and Ki Aikido

Meditation is the philosphical basis of Ki Aikido.

So, the Ki Aikido practise is not that I can throw you using technique but create a situation that the technique works. It doesn't matter who I am, it does'nt matter who you are.
Of course that doesn't mean that you get guarantee that it works with everybody. That never exists. But it guarantees that you work in the correct direction. But if you just like to throw your partner doing technique maybe your may not be going to the correct direction. Because in the real situation it is different. Whereas in sports it is ok. In sports, your friend is your opponent. But in real life it is not like that. Your friend is not your opponent. Your opponent is somebody who is not your friend. It is completely different.
But to understand really this you must understand "I am not important". You are not important.
Perché? Queste persone sono Giuseppe e Maurizio. Giuseppe e Maurizio sono persone diverse. Quindi importante: questo è Giuseppe, non è Maurizio. Ma se si fa meditazione, non mi chiamo Giuseppe, ma mi chiamo "io". Anche lui si chiama "io". Tutti i due sono "io". Ora è uguale. Noi siamo tutti "io". Anche lui è "tu". Tutti sono "tu". Quindi tutti siamo uguali. Per questo basta una tecnica che funziona, io con te. Non importa chi sono io, tutti siamo io. Tutti siamo te. Understand. So, in meditation, everybody calls himself "I".
You don't call yourself Giuseppe, Maurizio or Donato. No, just "I". And you, you are not Giuseppe, you are not Donato, you are not Maurizio. You are just "you".
So, when you are practising Aikido, I have to create a situation that I can throw him. But "I" it is everybodys "I". You is everybodys "you". This is the relationship between meditation and Ki Aikido.
Questo è il rapporto tra meditazione e Ki Aikido. Ki Aikido pratica non "io", ma una situazione nella quale la tecnica funziona. Io o te non sono importante. Perché tutti siamo "io", tutti siamo "te". In livello meditazione. Per questo, la meditazione è la base filosofica del Ki Aikido. Deve capire veramente questo. Questo sono io, non Giuseppe, sono io. Tutti siamo io.
Quindi la situazione che io posso vivere bene sono situazioni che tutta l'umanitá può vivere bene. Quindi così Aikido diventa maniera de vita per umani, tutti umani in questo mondo.
Bisogna fare sankyo qui (in handachi). Se si fa qui (in piedi) è già troppo tardi. Ma se non riesco fare sankyo qui, ora non deve fare sankyo qui ma fare shihonage.